TAIKO ARTS CENTER is currently organizing TAC’s annual Silent Auction, our major fundraiser for the year, to be held at Taiko Center of the Pacific’s 26th Annual Bonenkai (End-of-the-Year Celebration) on Saturday, December 14th, 2019. All funds raised will be used to fund TAC’s activities including: workshops, scholarships, educational outreach, performances, and more. To donate items or make a monetary contribution to Taiko Arts Center, please contact: OR
Taiko Arts Center 4348 Waialae Ave #816, Hon, HI 96816 (808) 737-7236
A heartfelt THANK YOU to the many donors and supporters of Taiko Arts Center (TAC). As a 501c3 non-profit organization, TAC depends on grants, fundraising, and private donations to support its programs and mission. Thank you so much for your support!
CONGRATULATIONS to Grand Master Seiichi Tanaka and the San Francisco Taiko Dojo on its 50th Anniversary! We are grateful to Tanaka sensei for introducing kumi-daiko (group drumming) to the United States in 1968 and opening this amazing world to us all. San Francisco Taiko Dojo’s 50th Anniversary is also the 50th Anniversary of kumi-daiko outside of Japan. (With heads bowed) Heartfelt thanks and much appreciation to Seiichi Tanaka and the San Francisco Taiko Dojo!