Category Archives: Announcements


Due to the global pandemic, The Inaugural World Taiko Conference (WTC) 2020 was moved entirely online. Playing taiko has been a challenge for most of us with limited opportunities to gather, perform, or practice. However, the online format allowed for people all around the world to connect, hear individual talks and live panel discussions by leading taiko artists, share taiko performance videos, and access open source taiko pieces. WTC 2020 events are available on youtube. It’s a valuable resource, so please check it out:


WTC kennysensei
You can watch this panel here:


Dear friends and supporters,

2020 has been an extraordinary year. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all our activities have pretty much come to a standstill. Additionally, a mainland US tour and a European tour were canceled. Annual events have been cancelled or been put in limbo. In order to stay connected, Taiko Center of the Pacific has moved all its classes online. Although taiko online is not the same as taiko in-person, it’s great to stay connected with each other, “see” one another regularly, and work out together. It feels good to be moving and learning new things together even though we are physically apart.

Our hearts go out to those who have suffered the corona virus or lost loved ones to the disease. Let’s all take the necessary precautions to mitigate the effects of covid-19 in our communities. We WILL get through this challenging time together. Please take care and be safe.